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Caught Between Worlds

Caught Between Worlds is a Young Adult, coming-of-age portrait of the late 1970s, set in a remote fishing town and village in Alaska.


Two main characters are high school seniors: a boy and a girl in a struggling romantic relationship in the small, isolated town where they both grew up. A third main character is a seventh-grade boy from a nearby village who is taken to the town for schooling and has to face a world he knows little about. The narrative follows each of them through a trying school year of social conflict and forces of nature that test their concepts of identity, the future, and the worlds they must confront.


Meant to appeal to a wide audience, it is engaging reading for adults as well because all of us have lived through that stage of life, and may have had or will have teenagers to raise. Many dimensions of family generational dynamics, as well as gender, minority and ethnicity issues, course through this thoughtful and realistic human story.

Caught is available in both ebook and paperback formats.

EBOOK  $ 3.99  



Click the Amazon button to also choose a "Look Inside" selection that shows sample parts of the two book formats. 

Caught Between Worlds front C .jpg

Since reviews are extremely important for an author to increase access to their book and get their ideas out to the public, readers are encouraged to submit a review, short or long. Below is a link directly to Amazon for reviews.



1. Landing - Cal                                                2. Landing - Catherine                                    3. Village - Paul                                                

4. Town - Cal                                                    

5. Town - Paul                                                   

6. Questions - Catherine                                 

7. Hills - Paul                                                    

8. Past - Paul                                                    

9. Fire - Catherine                                           

10. Aftermath - Cal                                          

11. Security - Catherine                                  

12. Home - Paul                                              

13. Shake-Up - Cal                                         

14. Shake-Up - Catherine                              

15. Storm                                                        

16. Visit - Paul                                                 

17. Trade-Off - Catherine                              

18. Consequence - Catherine                       

19. Plans - Cal                                                

20. Plans - Catherine                                     

21. Parents - Catherine                                 

22. Parents - Cal                                            

23. Outside - Cal                                           

24. Hunting - Paul                                         

25. Identity - Paul                                          

26. Transition                                                 

27. Change - Catherine                                

28. Takeoff - Catherine                                 

29. Decision - Paul                                        

30. Acceptance - Paul                                  


About the Author

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